Thursday, March 6, 2025

Flood Plain Information

  • Functions of the Floodplain
    Floodplains act as overflow basins for rivers and streams, so that when a large amount of rain falls at once, the rivers and streams have somewhere to distribute excess water. Floodplains provide habitat for numerous species of animals, fish and birds. This is one of the many reasons development is limited in floodplains as much as possible. In addition to damaging a threatened ecosystem, increased development in a floodplain, can cause increased catastrophic flooding. Any kind of development in a floodplain displaces potential floodwaters, which then creates a larger problem downstream or even just next door. 

    The City of Strong City maintains approximately 288 acres of space in the Special Flood Hazard Area. Some of this land is designated open space in the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA). This open space ranges from Agricultural, to former residential lots that have been converted to open space. These designated open areas help keep the floodplain in natural balance. The more open space within this sensitive environment, the less potentially damaging floods could become. 

    Floodplain Information
    Strong City participates in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). Strong City has regulations for properties that are in the flood areas within City. The County regulations cover all property outside the city limits of Strong City. Information concerning floodplains in the city can be obtained by contacting the city office.
    A Floodplain Development permit is required from the Kansas Department of Agriculture, Division of Water Resources (DWR) AND the City of Strong City, prior to ANY development.

    Floodplain Regulations
    As an NFIP-participating community, Strong City is required to follow, adopt and apply a minimum set of development regulations for properties and structures in the high-risk floodplains Zones A, on the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRMs). These regulations are set forth to require minimum standards when building a new structure in the floodplain, when remodeling or repairing an existing structure. The intent is to better protect existing structures and new properties from flooding based on the current FIRMs and floods anticipated in the future. 

  • Development - as defined by FEMA:
    Any man-made change to improved or unimproved real estate, including but not limited to buildings or other structures, levees and levee systems, land clearing (i.e. tree removal), mining, dredging, filling, grading, paving, excavation or drilling operations or storage of equipment and materials.

    Failing to comply with floodplain management regulations can put Strong City in jeopardy of losing flood insurance, disaster assistance and Federal backed loans and grants for our citizens.
    How do I get the proper Floodplain Development Permits?
     Kansas Department of Agriculture, Division of Water Resources / Water Structure Program
     Phone: 785-564-6654
    City Hall (local building permits as well as flood permits) 204 W. Topeka Ave. Strong City, KS 66869   Phone:  620-273-6345
    Floodplain maps are being updated and will be available in digital form. The Current map can be found on this website. These allow a concise determination on the floodplain areas.

    Community Rating System
    City officials have worked over the past year on the Community Rating System for those that have to carry flood insurance in Strong City because their property is in a flood area. Because of the work of the G.I.S. Office and Emergency Management, flood plain insurance in Strong City has been reduced. Please contact your insurance provider to make sure they are aware of the reduction.

    Purchasing Flood Insurance
    A typical home insurance policy does not cover losses from a flood. Property identified in the high-risk areas of the Digital Flood Insurance Risk Maps (DFIRMs) will be required to carry flood insurance, with rates based on the flood risks that went into effect on March 16, 2015. The City of Strong City participates in the National Flood Insurance Program, which entitles homeowners, renters and business owners to purchase flood insurance to protect their property and/or belongings in the event of a flood.

    Flood insurance for a structure and its contents is available to all residents, regardless if you are in an identified flood-prone area. Talk to your insurance provider to determine if you need additional coverage and visit NFIP's website for more information.

  • What about structures that are damaged within a floodplain or structures that the owner wants to improve that are within a floodplain?

    Structures within a floodplain can be repaired or improved. However, there are limitations on this allowance. If the repairs or the improvements to the structure equal or exceed 50% of the fair market value of the structure before the damage/improvement, then the improvement or repair must comply with the Floodplain Regulations (i.e. be designed to minimize flood damage, be constructed of flood resistant materials, and not have any new enclosed area lower than that of the existing structure. In the case of damage, if the cost of repairs equal or exceed 50% of the value of the structure before it was damaged, then the structure must be brought into compliance with the Floodplain Regulations. Additionally, if a structure sustains flood-related damage on two separate occasions within a 10-year period, and the cost of repairs for each flood event equals or exceeds 25% of the fair market value, then the structure is considered substantially damaged.

    Flood Mitigation
    Following a flood event or other significant changes in a watershed, property owners may ask, "Is there any way to make improvements to my home or business to reduce future damages from flooding?" The answer is a resounding YES!

    It's called flood mitigation and involves cost-effective measures that can be taken now to avoid loss of life and damages to homes, businesses and other improved property in the future. By taking these measures, you will not only prevent or reduce damages to your property from future floods, but also potentially lower your flood insurance premiums. You should consider discussing mitigation options with your flood insurance agent.

    As a home or business owner, you have options to mitigate against flood damages.

    • "Nonstructural" mitigation measures typically refer to small-scale projects done to individual structures or structures within a neighborhood to reduce or prevent flood damages.
    • "Structural" mitigation measures generally refer to dams, levees and flood walls, or other large, civic work-type projects to protect against flooding.

    Mitigation Resources
    Please note that not all of these options will reduce the flood insurance premiums for homeowners. Before undertaking any flood mitigation projects on your property, it is recommended you contact your flood insurance agent and the City of Strong City to discuss your plans. Some measures will require building permits prior to the beginning of the project.

    Protecting your property from the hazard

  • Know Your Facts

    • Flooding is the most expensive and repetitive natural disaster affecting the United States.
    • Flooding occurs not only along the coast, but also in riverine and other inland areas.
    • In the past five years, all 50 states have experienced floods or flash floods.
    • Everyone lives in a flood zone — it's just a question of whether you live in a low-, moderate- or high-risk area.
    • Most homeowner’s insurance policies do not cover flood damage.
    • Just a few inches of water from a flood can cause tens of thousands of dollars in damage.
    • A car can easily be carried away by just 2 feet of floodwater.


    Be Prepared

    • Visit the American Red Cross website for tips on preparing for, responding during and recovering from a flood.
    • Visit for more information about how to protect against flooding and the steps local residents and business owners can take to ensure they have proper insurance coverage to protect their financial stability.

    Flood Safety Links​


    Before a Flood

    • Know safety tips and build an emergency supply kit. Include drinking water, a first-aid kit, canned food, a radio, flashlight and blankets. Develop a disaster supply checklist to help yourself be prepared. The National Weather Service has more flood safety tips and information.
    • Have a family emergency plan in place. Plan and practice flood evacuation routes from home, work and school that are on higher ground.
    • Move important objects and papers to a safe place. Store your valuables where they won't get damaged.

    During a Flood

    • Go to higher ground. Get out of areas subject to flooding, including dips, low spots, dry creek beds, washes, etc.
    • Avoid areas already flooded, especially when water flows fast. Do not attempt to cross flowing streams. Just 6 inches of moving water can knock you off your feet.
    • Never drive through flooded roadways. Roadbeds may be washed out under flood waters and just 2 feet of moving water can sweep an SUV off the road.
  • The Chase County Emergency Management team alert the following local outlets for emergency notification to the Chase County and surrounding areas:

    At a reading of 9 on the river marker located on the tree by the old bridge, crop fields south of Strong City start to flood. Click the link below to check river levels.

    Cottonwood River at Cottonwood Falls - National Weather Service ...

    Wichita Weather | KWCH

    Weather Information

    National Weather Service

    Strong City KS - National Weather Service

    Strong City, KS (66869) - The Weather Channel

    Everbridge notification system, you can sign up here for official Push Notifications for your location

    Written Information
    Written Information about flooding, flood insurance, and the C.R.S. program can be obtained at any of the following locations:

    Chase County Senior Center 307 Broadway St. Cottonwood Falls, KS 66845

    Chase County Health Department 301 Walnut St. Cottonwood Falls, KS 66845
    City Hall, Strong City 204 W. Topeka Ave. Strong City, KS 66869
    Strong City Post Office 309 Cottonwood Ave. Strong City, KS 66869
    Burnley Memorial Library 421 Oak St. Cottonwood Falls, KS 66845



Online Map From Kansas Dept. of Agriculture

Important Files
